TheFuzz v0.5.0 API Reference


Contains shortforms to execute different string metric algorithms to compare given strings

Calculates the Metaphone Phonetic Algorithm metric of two strings

This module contains functions to calculate the Sorensen-Dice coefficient of 2 given strings

This module contains functions to calculate the Hamming distance between 2 given strings

This module contains functions to calculate the Jaccard similarity coefficient between two given strings

Calculates the Jaro Distance between two strings

Calculates the Jaro-Winkler Distance between two strings

This module contains functions to calculate the levenshtein distance between given strings

This module contains functions to calculate the ngram distance between two given strings based on this paper

This module contains functions to calculate the Tversky index between two given strings

This module contains function to calculate the weighted levenshtein distance between 2 given strings

Specifies the string metric api which an module needs to implement to provide string comparison methods

Utilities for TheFuzz